Ebola: This Guy Has it Right.


Ebola-496366Over at NFO… .

My wife met me at the door today, to tell me the news.  I already knew it.

We now have a case of Ebola, in our country, here not because “we” brought it here as part of any humanitarian crisis.  He apparently flew here.  Lax boarders.  We used to take measures, at Ellis Island.

This is a problem.  Thank god this present patient has all the care that can be given.  He will likely live.  For how long… .


9 thoughts on “Ebola: This Guy Has it Right.”

  1. Yeah, but what about those who came in contact with his fluids??? And how many hundreds/possibly thousands of people is that? And where are they now? Got your level 4 Bio suit handy? And plenty of bleach to wash your hands in all day??? It’s not going to be pretty, and the CDC is scrambling like hell… Watch the media go silent on this one.


    1. Media will go silent, with their leftist liberal support of the current administration. And of course, we see zero leadership there. We keep hearing popular media pundits opining “no worries” but yes; if this guy infected multiples, then this is a big, big deal.


  2. It’s started. At least 12 school age children have been exposed. A second adult has been admitted to the hospital with symptoms. They may all live cause of our medical care, but the Doctor who survived his bout with the disease said it’s like experiencing the fires of hell! Good luck ‘merika. Can you “bug in” on a 21 day quarantine without outside assistance?


    1. Yep. This is precisely why we need good immigration and re-vamped immigration policies. We don’t have any of that under the current administration, not from this president. The same one that missed 60% of his security briefings.


  3. ISIS Plans On Sending Muslims Infected WIth Ebola Into America To Infect And Kill Americans
    By Ted on October 1, 2014 in Featured, General

    SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat ISIS threatened the United States, and the allies to spread the Ebola virus, within those states, if continues to wage war on the organization inside Syria and Iraq. ISIS explained that among the viruses that its members can “synthesize and produce” are “Ebola and Corona”. ISIS also said, […]


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