Tag Archives: clinton

Liberal Crybabies.

201410_2207_aeahi_smAnd this, this is why we can’t have nice things.

…others have said, “…hey, gee, remember when Romney or McCain supporters went out in 2008 and 2012 and rioted – oh wait, not so much.”  So true.  And for good reason.

real-fighter-minimum-wageProfessional protestors, “Snowflake” students, Black Lives Matter, MoveOn.org or just general do-nothing anarchists – I don’t care.  What I do care about is that these people, whomever they are, need to be called out properly by the liberal and mainstream media.  The same media that is biased, uninformed, and not as smart as they think.  Dumb-guy1

Hillary lost because of a lot of reasons, chief among them, she’s an outright liar – her email server, selling US interests off to foreign governments through her Foundation, having one “public” position on any number of issues and another “private” position and on and on.   It was her fooling any number of demographic population centers and everybody else voting Trump.   That’s the only thing that got her the popular vote – barely.

Trump won because he appealed to the common man.   Because Hillary’s faults were like a scab that repeatedly got ripped off, leaving who she really is laid bare in angry flesh and pus – an old, conniving, thieving, corrupt dinosaur.

sick-hillaryOne worrisome thing though – Trump will be president, but you can expect the media, establishment politicians (Republican’s included), and those same population centers – stuffed full of those with some false sense of entitlement, democrats who have been sold false promises by a corrupt media and their own leaders, to continue their “fight.”

Trumps going to have his hands full.   And that’s whats wrong with this Country.


Nothing to See Here…. .

see_no_evil_hear_no_evil_speak_no_evilSuppose we read with great interest all the under-handed, back room dealing, conniving, cheating, pay for play scandals and learn about how honest and noble our representatives are…or were.

CNN said we, the little people, would be subject to arrest, as “…only the media can read this material…”.

Yeah, that would be something.



CNN: It Is Illegal For Voters To Possess Wikileaks Material


Face the Dock.

GettyImages-159924056-hillary-glasses-2-640x480Yes, that is a fair question…. .

On Thursday, when federal prosecutors announced charges against Martin under the Espionage Act for mishandling classified documents, people wondered, “but what about Hillary Clinton?” 

In principle, both did the same thing. Martin, as a National Security Agency contractor, stored classified documents in his home, which was unauthorized. Clinton, as Secretary of State, stored classified documents on her personal server in her home.  Again, unauthorized. On its face, it seems pretty much the same. 

Legally, the big difference is this: Martin admitted he knew the documents were classified and admitted that what he did was wrong and illegal.  Game over.

He should have “lawyered up” before opening his mouth.  Or consulted Clinton.



….and this, in the context of recent polling that suggests that Clinton SHOULD have been indicted…. .


Something to be said for keeping your mouth shut.  Some can do it, and some cannot.  And its important.

Clinton IT specialist who has been granted immunity in FBI email investigation ‘has proven to be a devastating witness



I hope they fry her by indictment.

The story is basically this: the above IT guy, he’s scooped up by the FBI for running Hillary’s server.  Which violated federal law by handling secret material.  The FBI put the heat to him, and he turned.  Made a deal.

So, it looks as though the FBI are prepping a case against Hillary.  She violated a score of federal laws on setting up this server.

So we shall see.

Hillary and her Private Server… .

hillary-greedy“I am confident that I never sent nor received any information that was classified at the time it was sent and received,” she told reporters after speaking at a local Democratic Party fundraiser here.”

Classified emails here.

….at the time it was sent and received.  And it depends on what the word “is” is.  Word play.

And just yesterday, a federal judge dropped the hammer on Mrs. Clinton:

Judicial Watch: Federal Judge Orders State Department to Ask Hillary Clinton to Account for Government Records and Email Use, Turn Over All Government Records