Tag Archives: commies

Democrats and Socialism.

DNC Chair Debbie Schultz with Chris Matthews on MSNBC:

She can’t say what’s true, and what more and more are realizing, I hope.

A related and good read – “American Betrayal” by Diana West.

51wX4ixOeAL._SX328_BO1,204,203,200_Part real-life thriller, part national tragedy, American Betrayal lights up the massive, Moscow-directed penetration of America’s most hallowed halls of power, revealing not just the familiar struggle between Communism and the Free World, but the hidden war between those wishing to conceal the truth and those trying to expose the increasingly official web of lies.

Graphics Editor at the “Global Post” makes nice map…

And then claims that:

Let’s also not forget that the United States can be a very dangerous place itself, and that US foreign policy has helped turn some of these countries into the dangerous places they are now.

Oh really?  What policies specifically?  Which countries?  Do tell… .

I really don’t like this site, but, they have nice maps.  Maybe.

Not Ms. Khosla’s map:
