Tag Archives: preparedness

Be Prepared.


Some things to consider:

But what about President Obama’s 4.5 Million New Jobs?

Well if you believe the White House, and the government/media propagandists, President Obama has added some 4.5 million new jobs to the economy since he took office. What they don’t tell you is that almost every one of those so-called new jobs has gone to immigrants, not native-born Americans.

According to a recent study by the Center for Immigration Studies, since President Obama took office, 67 percent of employment growth has gone to immigrants (both legal and illegal). When you throw in the Bush years, virtually all the all of the net gain in the number of working-age people since 2000 has gone to immigrants. Both sides have screwed the American public.

And for those who have found employment:

We are in for some real tough time…

If you haven’t started taking steps to prepare yourself for coming economic problems, you really need to take a hard look at what’s going on in this country, and then figure out if you’re prepared to face the coming chaos.

From http://offgridsurvival.com/real-unemployment-numbers/

2479 Bodies. Scattered All Over the Place. 9-11; Fighting to Live. As the Towers Died.

911_630No, its not 9-11, the anniversary of the attacks on WTC in 2001.  Of Course Not.

But you have to have a plan, in case your home or office is struck by attack, calamity, or crisis.  Have a bug out kit at hand in your car.  Better yet, in your office.  Certainly at home.  Keeping a level head and having some basic tools at hand could just save your life.   Or not.

You can look online for suggestions for bug out kit.  If you don’t have these sorts of material on-hand here or there, just do it.  Yes, I am an Eagle Scout.  Some can snerk at that, but the Boy Scout motto is simple and holds true.  Be Prepared.  Prepare.   Think.  Help others.

In our home, we have a bug out kit – that includes a fire-axe.  Why?  Well, we live her a hurricane area.  I may not have to chop through the roof, but its good to know that I can.

At the office, I have a kit as well.  Which includes several 5-gallon jerry cans.  Why the latter?  Well, If I can’t get gas where I live, but can closer to the coast, they are there.  Sound extreme?  Lets not forget Katrina, and the many days of calamity that followed that.

imagesAnd when the “authority” tells you all is well, no need to evacuate, make your own assessment.

I have briefed my staff, in case of any threat, they need to get out first.  Sound the alarm if you can.  Meet at a predetermined point.  Simple planning.  Don’t wait, get out.

at-903-am-united-flight-175-crashed-into-the-south-tower-leaving-no-doubt-that-this-was-an-attack-some-news-channels-captured-the-traumatic-moment-on-live-televisionDo you have water and basic tools in a kit at your place of work?  Do you and your co-workers have a plan if there is a fire, or gunman coming through the door?  What about any basic medical emergency?  First Aid Kit?

186786-d2c15bb8-1aa8-11e3-b47b-9923c5873ce4Just discussing contingencies and having a plan for you, the ones you care for, and your family makes the difference.  If you plan on relying on others, and waiting for help – you’re gonna die.





