Category Archives: politics

On Comey.

Lordy lordy.  Wat?

What a backstabbing manipulator.  What an overgrown pajama boy. 

Working in public service through several administrations, his credentials are impressive.  But his testimony last week revealed much:

The Clinton campaign – its email server debacle – was the real scandal.  That Loretta Lynch asked any inquiry from Comeys’ office to refer to that investigation as a “matter” tells much.   If confirms in the minds of many that Lynch’s meeting between her and slick willie on the airport tarmac was more than golf and grandchildren.

That there was no collusion, or at least evidence of it, between Trump, his campaign, and the Russians.  There never was evidence, but the more media uses the word, the more they like to think – the more they wish – people would believe it.

That Trump, as much as liberals would like to say otherwise, never demanded that he stop any investigation into Mike Flynn.   Comey may have felt “uneasy” or “nauseous” (huh?).  But his testimony confirms it, as do his convenient “notes” or “memos” from his recollection of meetings with Trump, where he never says such a demand be made.   Quite frankly, even if Trump did make any demand, Trump would have been beyond right.   A president has the authority to fire the FBI director.   This is not without precedent.   Think not?  Just look at Alan Dershowitz’s take on the matter.

President HW Bush, in the early 90’s ended the investigation against and afterwards pardoned Casper Wienberger in the Iran Contra scandal.   No obstruction there.   (Because Bush is not Trump.   The level of animosity and outright hostility to the current Executive is unprecedented).  Did not Obama refuse to go after those here illegally – illegal immigrants?  No one says he was interfering with investigations or prosecutions, or, in this example, deportations.   What about Executives in charge of “sanctuary cities?”   Are they not interfering, to some degree?

Detractors will argue otherwise, the again, the point is, the President has the legal authority to fire.  Period.  And the real problem is, the general public are being told otherwise.

Comey’s testimony offers unanswered questions.  Instead of consistently forthright, straightforward and pointed questions, he was “lorded” for his “service” and “honesty(!).”  Tossed softball questions, his testimony was self-serving.   That, of a disgruntled employee.

Where were his notes when Lynch asked him to treat the Clinton investigation as a “matter.”  For that matter, where are notes on any meetings with Obama?  If Lynch asked Comey to treat that investigation as something other than it was, why are they, Lynch specifically, not accused of interference.

If he felt he was being manipulated by the President, where was that in the notes he leaked to his law professor friend?   His answer was, “I don’t know.”  If he had any problem with any discussions with Trump, why did he not start an investigation, or go up the chain – complain to others – which he did not.   He didn’t go to White House Counsel.  He did not go to the Department of Justice.   It does not appear he complained to others in his department.   Not his deputies or peers, so it seems.

If he was so “concerned” about Trump, in his “gut” so he said, why did he have dinner with the President? Or meet with him at any time? (in the context of all of this, me thinks it was because he knew, at some point, he would be fired).

Point of fact, and one that MSM ignores, this position serves at the pleasure of the executive.   That would be Trump.  Another fact the media ignores.  

Others say it better:

Read or watch here, if you have a spare hour or three:

Bow Wow. Obama Bows. Trump Wows.

Obama:  Bower in chief:

Obama, bower in chief.
Bows to lil’ ‘chilren.
More bowing…. . bow bow.
A bee bow bow buppa bow bow bow…
Bowing and boot licking.

Trump: Don’t see much bowing.

How hard is it, just stand up straight, be yourself, look’em in the eye… .

Video here, go watch:



Mark Zuckerberg has decided to speak up against President Trump.


He’s the president.  Get over it.

Yes, we should keep our doors open to “your tired, your poor, your huddled masses – yearning to breathe free.”  But get a grip.

Lest we forget, we are a sovereign nation.   Popular media and society at large, they forget.

The New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,

With conquering limbs astride from land to land;

Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand

A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame

Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name

Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand

Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command

The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

“Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she

With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Ahh, Civility.


…its not ego if construction begins.  And why is Mexico so adamant against a “wall”?

Its really not all that expensive, or difficult to build.   Someone has to pay for it, and its not unreasonable to look to Mexico to contribute.

Illegal immigrants crossing that border – illegally – are not the best and brightest.  Many are unable to work, and many end up being supported by us, essentially.   There are drugs and criminals crossing that border.   That’s a fact.

The US is, a sovereign, just like Mexico.   We have every reason to support and expect a “wall”, together with immigration reform.

President Trump’s wall is a statement to the world: This is our country. We decide who comes here. And we will defend our borders.

Fake News?


From “”

’Operation Delegitimization’

In addition to the meeting with the Israelis, it is likely that the CIA is also holding meetings with other allied countries with which it shares intelligence operations. And thus, the process of delegitimization of the new president chosen by the American people transcends U.S. borders and amounts to an international boycott against his position in office.

What is happening in the United States is surreal: Never before in American history has the CIA stood up to boycott a president-elect and contest the democratic process. Basically, they are doing at home what they have been doing in other countries for decades. From this point forward, America is at risk of never again being the same.

Translator’s note: This article is part of a sub-publication in Il Giornale called “Gli occhi della guerra” or “Eyes of the War.”